Development > Carrie Bloomston Website

Carrie Bloomston Website

Project Role

Lead Developer

Image Date

July 15th, 2022

Project Description

This is a client I've worked with in the past to repair website integrations (Mad Mimi, etc) and replace a few images. She came to me with a few urgent issues; she was promoting a new book release, another book was in early-promotion, and large portions of her theme and development libraries were outdated and visibly broken on the website. I began by repairing the existing features, then worked to replace the page content regarding books. Once this was complete, I cleaned up some of the menus to guide users to the new content, and redesigned a few homepage blocks. The result was a website which appeared to be much the same, but had key features guiding end-users to the client's KPI's (links to purchase books, attend events).

Additional Images

Other Notes

Carrie is great. She's the typical "small business" client I enjoy working with - she's extremely creative, has a soft vision of what she wants, and is very open and accepting of both technical and creative guidance. As a result, I'm able to complete tasks for her relatively quickly (her vision is flexible, so revisions are kept to a minimum), I can save her (and make her..) a good chunk of money, and best of all - she's always super appreciative and grateful for the help. I work for cash, don't get me wrong, but "working to work" is frustrating for me, and I don't like burning hours if it won't help anyone (the client, the end-users, other stakeholders). I've literally quit jobs where everyone knew we were "polishing a turd" - it's demoralizing, everyone is upset about how it goes, and you feel like you're stealing from your client. With Carrie... she can be a little scattered at times ("a little", haha), but in the end, I know how much she needs my help, and so I'm always excited to give that to her. :)