Development > Marvelous Mind Coaching > MMC – Website Build

MMC – Website Build

Project Role

Lead Developer / Designer

Image Date

May 1st, 2024

Project Description

A friend of mine, Marvelous Mind Coaching, needed help setting up a logo and website for her new business. She's fairly tech-literate, so the site was designed to be something that she could maintain long-term, in order to keep her expenses down. This theme was also built with expansion in mind - not only does the client have several related projects in the works, but there was an opportunity for mirror sites, so a modular approach was built out.

Additional Images

Other Notes

The website was designed with the key audience - ADHD adults and children - as the main visitors. The client wanted something that was simple, not over-cluttered, and where key points would be easy to skim. We went through several rounds of revisions, until we came up with this design.