July 15th, 2024
I’ve been keeping up with the marker renderings, loosely, for about a year now. Mostly it’s just been doodles to work off stress, but every once in a while I throw another life drawing into the mix, and I’m usually pretty impress... Read More
March 14th, 2021
A quick lunch sketch while having a salad for lunch on the Linai at our resort in Florida. If we're not out walking around, at least we're getting some Vitamin D!... Read More
February 21st, 2021
We bought David a drawing tablet lately, and I decided to take it for a spin. I'm working with a brush similar to Conte Crayon here, and paying highlights/shadows to simulate bottle refractions. Not bad for my first honest attempt in ~20 years...... Read More
January 1st, 2001
I'm not particularly fond of my pencil sketches (colored or otherwise), but I did really enjoy the ones I created on toned paper. We'd draw light/shadows, and ignore the actual forms of everything. Eventually, if you draw enough light/shadow, the sha... Read More
December 1st, 2000
A lot of charcoal work in this series. I had better control over line width, sharpness, etc, and ended up really enjoying Conte crayons as a drawing tool.... Read More
November 1st, 2000
Most of the female models you'll see during this period were the same woman (I forget her name). I didn't particularly like her - she moved a lot, or would scratch her face 10m into a 1hr pose, and then put her hand in a COMPLETELY different position... Read More
October 1st, 2000
A lot of these are in paint. Our model was taking 15s poses - meaning we'd have time to draw a line or two, dip our brush maybe 2-3 times, then flip to the next page and start over. EXCRUCIATING.... Read More
February 1st, 2000
I don't recall this assignment; most of my life drawing classes used pencil/paper, sometimes colored pencil to capture lighting. I'm assuming the goal here was just to capture the binary "what is in shadow; what is in light?". Most of the drawings sh... Read More
November 1st, 1999
Early Art School class where I studied shading, design, layout. We had a few assignments where we'd sketch something, then come back later and shade it. Both halves of the assignment were graded. I feel like this was a good exercise and helped me bre... Read More
September 1st, 1999
I believe the assignment was to draw hands and feet (probably 20 of each). Some of these came out pretty good, others still look like High School work. The feet definitely have a lot of un-assumed shapes.... Read More
August 1st, 1999
A self portrait from one of my life drawing classes. You can tell that I put a lot of effort into it from the shading... but it's simply not there yet. This was probably one of the earliest drawings I did at The Art Institute of Pittsburgh (and it sh... Read More